
Do you experience the feelings of disconnection?

… it doesn’t have to be that way!

As a life coach I get to have honest conversations with people, about what’s really going on for them and their struggles.   And a common struggle is feeling disconnected from their true self, feeling unfulfilled, and not liking who they are.  Feeling lost.   

Which is not surprising, as we find ourselves in this insta perfect world that celebrates perfectionism and success, over being real and vulnerable, which are the foundations for authentic connections.  

And to compound this disconnect, we find ourselves seeking connections through social media and snapshots of people’s filtered and fake reality.  And if we’re feeling disconnected then we’re probably going to judge and compare or whatever our ‘little lower vibrational self’ is craving in that moment.

There are so many layers to this modern day disconnect, but I’d prefer to focus on how we can reconnect to ourselves and come back home, to ourselves and have more authentic connections.

Having lived this disconnect, I have deep empathy and compassion.  And excitement.  Which may sound odd, but there’s a gift in what you’re going through.  It may feel uncomfortable, but that discomfort is letting you know that you’ve outgrown your current reality.  That you need more from your life and more connection to your true self.

So that’s a great thing and exciting, as there’s a more fulfilled you, waiting for you on the other side.  Calling you home.  Wanting you to upgrade your life.

And if you can relate.   Perhaps it's time for you to spend a little time on yourself, make yourself the priority and do the work which will ultimately bring you home to you.  Connect you to you, and have you feeling fulfilled and living life on your terms.

As mentioned, I know this disconnect very well.  Which played out as eating disorders, anxiety, depression, low self esteem, negative self and deep insecurities, unhealthy relationship with alcohol, recreational drugs and men.  So I have great empathy and compassion for anyone who is challenged.  It can be isolating and uncomfortable.

In my search for help, (and I’ve tried many modalities given my extensive list of xxx !) I came across life coaching, which I found to be the most effective, as it helped me make sense of my world and how I was engaging with it. It helped me reconnect with the real me, helped me overcome unconscious behavioural patterns that weren’t serving me, taught me how to better adapt to life’s challenges. And work out what I wanted to do with my life and supported me achieving it.  It was challenging at times and so rewarding.  

What I liked about coaching is that its results focused.  You set a goal with an end date.   I liked that it was structured and tailored to my particular needs, that took me on a journey of self discovery and had me working towards my goal at the same time. That our sessions were designed to keep me accountable and expose any limiting behaviours or decisions should they appear along the way, that were then addressed with varying NLP techniques or coaching tools or education.  And that I was given homework each session, that kept the moment of our sessions, so that we were able to make real intentional changes in a reality short amount of time.

But it wasn’t so much about the goal, it was more about the person I became along the way.  As each session I started to feel more empowered and felt better about myself for my efforts and for finally doing something about how I was engaging with life, rather than sitting in the suffering of it. I was working towards something positive, my dream future and reconnecting me the real me.

At the end of those 10 sessions, I was, as they say ‘back in my drivers seat’ and I felt inspired and excited by life again.   To be able to achieve all of that in the 5 months, was incredible. 

The process of being supported to challenge my old ways, reconnect with myself and rebuild my life was transformational.  And it was the catalyst for me to train and grow as a life coach, which was a natural progression given I was already a qualified counsellor and had a life long interest in human behaviour.   

Fast forward to today. I am a qualified Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Counsellor and soon to be certified breathwork facilitator.  And I’m passionate about helping others reconnect with themselves on a deeper level and get their spark back.

Which is why I’m writing this article to let you know that if you’re feeling challenged and you’re ready to make a change and invest in the new upgraded you, I encourage you to take action.    You don't have to keep doing it on your own.

And if my story and offerings as a coach resonates with you. I would love to help.  And reconnect you with your authentic beautiful self and get your spark back.   If you’d like to chat. Please book in for a complementary exploratory session, via my website.  

And if you would like to read the experiences that other courageous people have had with my coaching please have a read of their testimonials.

With much love and excitement for what awaits you.

em xx

Your Invitation …

If you’re challenged or even just the tiniest bit curious, I invite you to call me for a casual chat to have all your questions answered and see if we are a good fit. You can expect that we may talk for about 20 minutes.

This time is for you, free of charge and free of obligation.